Education is very important to us and is not all about studying and getting good marks. It is really a means to discover new things which we don't know about and increase our knowledge.
An educated person has the ability to differentiate between right and wrong or good and evil. It is the foremost responsibility of a society to educate its citizens.
A person becomes perfect with education as he is not only gaining something from it, but also contributing to the growth of a nation.
During the process of educating children we have to go through the education system.And I think the present education system is not helping the students creativity. It just tests his retaining power not his intelligence or understanding of any particular subject.It aims on judging a person on his/her marks rather than "real knowledge".

There is a need to change the viewpoint and perspective of the parents,teachers and the organisations to lessen the competition and study burden on the students to help them recognise their field of interest and support them to choose that field as their career and stop scaring students by showing the RAT RACE of getting admission in a good college for specific courses. Let children explore themselves and choose what they actually want to do.
Because by forcing those children to do what others are doing may spoil their talent and future forever and they
may not be able to do what they want to in their lives pushing them into depression at some point of time in life.
Parents should understand that not every child can be good in studies or score highest marks.Every child has its own field of interest in which he can excel more than those who can score good marks. Not everyone can become Albert Eistein, Sachin Tendulkar or A R Rehman.....But anybody can become what they really want to out of their passion and interest. All great personalities became big when they did things they were meant for and not by doing what others were doing around them.
We should not judge one's potential from the marks he obtain but from the capability and knowledge he possess.
To evolve a healthy education system where every available talent can be nurtured, we have to divide our curriculum in such a way that every child can use their natural talent and excel in the field in which they want to go, not a standard pattern what today we have irrespective of whether child understands or not just mug-up and vomit.
We must realise the importance of education. We must aim to ensure that each citizen of our nation is educated and independent. and let us advise to our government to get away from this old education system and parents to stop pressuring children to do hard and let them do things of their interest.Your child can only sparkle when he does what he really wants to.
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