In India, VIP culture is very common and we can find many so called VIPs around us. Recently, during my short drive of three hours from Delhi to Dehradun , I noticed more than two dozen VIP cars crossing me. Around a half dozen of these cars were belonging to ministers and they have a full security cover.
In India, it is common to see state and center minister moving in convoy of many vehicles each carrying four to six security personals. Not only ministers, but their relatives, friends and party workers do start enjoy VIP treatments. Everywhere in India, such VIPs always enjoy special privileges and common men suffer because of them.
Many times, we hear news that a flight was delayed for hours to accommodate a VIP or a VIP is allowed special pass. Today, common people are becoming aware of this wrong practice where public servants are given VIP treatment and they enjoy on the hard earned tax payers money.
In a country like India, where Poor farmers don't have money to buy diesel for their water pumps, the cars of convoys of VIPs waste so much of diesel on daily basis.
How long, we can allow such wastage and special treatment to these leaders when our constitution says that every person has the same rights. To make a good India, we first need to stop this VIP culture.
Newly created Aam Admi Party initially showed some hope when it said that it will not allow VIP culture and its ministers will not take security cover. However, after the election, it is also following the steps of other parties.
In the present educated Indian society, every person knows his or her constitutional rights. However, most of people still fear to raise voice against this bad culture where few people enjoy VIP treatments at the cost of common Indian tax payers. Today, our society is trapped in the hands of big politicians and rich people; and these people exploit situations to their advantage.
Today, many people just come in to politics to get the VIP treatment only. I feel happy when I see increasing resentment in people against the VIP culture and one day, I hope that VIP culture will become a history in India.
Inspiring India
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